Wednesday, October 3, 2012
In the name of responsibility
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Inside out of ME
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Time budak nak bertanding apa2 acara... cikgu jd JURULATIH..
Time kutip yuran.. cikgu jd AKAUNTAN..
Time budak sakit.. cikgu jd DOKTOR..
Time ceramah.. cikgu jd MOTIVATOR..
Time hias kelas.. cikgu jd PELUKIS SENI..
Time persembahan hari guru.. cikgu jd KOMPOSER..
Time baiki kerusi rosak.. cikgu jd TUKANG KAYU..
Time budak muntah/berak dlm kelas.. cikgu jd TUKANG CUCI..
Time budak mencuri.. cikgu jd DETEKTIF..
Time budak wat persembahan... cikgu jd PHOTOGRAPHER
Time perkhemahan.. cikgu jd TENTERA..
Time hari kantin.. cikgu jadi PENIAGA PASAR MALAM..
Time hari Guru... cikgu jd PENYANYI..
Time gotong royong sekolah... cikgu jd TUKANG KEBUN
Time parent amek lambat... cikgu jd BABY SITTER..
Time budak bergaduh.. cikgu jd HAKIM MAHKAMAH..
Time budak sakit kecemasan.. cikgu jd PEMANDU AMBULANS..
Time merentas desa.. cikgu jd POLIS TRAFIK..
Time budak sedih.. cikgu jd PELAWAK..
Sunday, January 15, 2012
How I ended my 2011

Ø Went back to my hometown…so lucky that it was durian season I have a multilicious (the new word I created) durians from Ranau. Seriously peeps Ranau durian is on top of the chart.
Ø Organizing an impromptu Tcamp at my grandma’s kampong. Feel blessed and the peeps there asked me ‘where you’ve been hiding for all this while, we need you here!!’ and my answer was I’m not hiding it’s just that I’m immersed myself in a low-profile mode.
Ø Looking after my mom and accompanied her to go for scheduled appointments at 2 hospitals. (a must-to-do thing when I’m at home)
Ø Visited my girlfriend at her Tiger Homestay in Lawas, thanks for the warm and super duper hospitality given by Pammy and her familia.
Ø Attended my buddy’s intercultural wedding, Datuk Henry my buddy during uni time. An Iban married to a Lundayeh. Having a new experience of attending a Lundayeh wedding. I take my hat off to them as they are still practicing their culture.

Ø Visited another buddy from uni time, Salvia as she will have her engagement ceremony the next day (she’s engaged now), couldn’t make it for the engagement ceremony as we needed to head back to hometown so we made an early visit.
Ø Celebrated Christmas at my grandma’s kampong for the first time ever in my life. Though it was simple, I did enjoy myself.
Ø Having open house at my cuzzie’s house. Another makan-makan time, the part where I’m surely gain some weight.
Ø Girlfriends day out with my secondary school besties; Dora, Tom & Betty. We headed to Tan Sri’s house(btw it’s not his title it’s his name) to eat durian and had a photography session at Tugu Nunuk Ragang. As usual I’ll be the model.
Ø Having a Christmas celebration at my very own kampong and as usual we are in-charge of the deco.

Ø Fly back to KL with heavy-hearted, I bid adieu to my Mom and I cried. Over and over again I’ve been thinking “AM I TOO SELFISH?”.
Ø Attended meeting with the CEO and knew that 2012 will be a tough and challenging and the good news has put a smile on everyone’s faces . More responsibilities to come!!!!
Ø My New Year celebration- a steamboat session at Pastor P’s house. Doing countdown by sleeping and realized that clock struck 12 with the sound of the fireworks that lasted for quite a long time. I was super duper tired from the journey from Ranau to Kl then early morning meeting that I wrapped myself inside a blanket and didn’t even care about new year.
2011 has been a great and blessed year for me. I started my career as teacher and involved with so many things in ministries. 2012………… I come!!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
A Picture = Thousand Words

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Annual Dinner

Thursday, November 3, 2011
I Made My Pledge...No Apologies!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I Asked God
I asked God to give me straight A’s
But 2 came out as TH
I asked for straight A’s again
But God just gave me 4
I asked God for 9 this time
But why he gave me only 4 and I got 7 for add maths
And why?
He is so unfair
Going to boarding school
Becoming a forensic expert
These were my dreams
I didn’t ask much
But why He didn’t fulfill it
I went to church every Sunday
I fast 24 hours before every examination
But why?
My life was ruined
I can’t see what future awaits me
I enrolled in form 6 science
I got my confidence back in my run to achieve my dreams
Just 2 months and I found out it was so difficult for me
Chemistry made my cry
Biology drove me crazy
Maths was killing me
Oh God will I ever get through this
I have thought of quitting
But how can I tell my friends when they ask me what I’m doing now
Then came this telegram stated there about an interview
After two days I went and came unprepared
The writing test was easy but the interview session was way tougher
I didn’t know any current news so I just made up
1 month later came this offer later
Yes I made it
But I cried
I cried because I’m going to bid adieu to my family
5 years of study and now I’m a TESL graduate
Looking back on how my life was before
I feel so embarrassed
I feel so ashamed
If I take the time to listen to His voice during that time
I think this is what He will say to me
My child,
It’s not that I don’t want to give you straight A’s
But you are not ready for it
For you will become snobbish
And leave me behind
I asked you to continue with your ministry but you turn Me down
For I know your strengths and weaknesses
For I know you what future holds for you
And I know what’s the best for you
Today I say to God
Thanks for everything
Thanks for always standing beside me when I turn you down
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to know about You
I will never stop thanking You
For the greatest thing in my life is knowing You
I didn’t know much why You wanted me to become a teacher
But I now I know you have given the vision to me
To be the light and salt to my students
And now I stop asking but I start doing
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
long time no write

Thursday, October 29, 2009
the ME vs the AE
Few more weeks to go and ME was having fun and wasting time.

OMGGGGGGGGG....few days more to go and panic stroke ME "what should I do? Where should I start?"
all the wh- questions are coming out from ME's mouth and also the how question
ME regretted for she has wasted all the times that she had before...sob sob..

Me felt so tense

she kept on asking herself will I be able to finish on time...I don't have the strength to carry on...helppppp!!!!!! mayday!!!!! mayday!!!!! Then one fine day ME saw this

"Wow..this thing is good huh..ho liao" said ME. She wanted to purchase it but then ME realized that it's not a good thing to get that because she will still lose to AE in the end. She kept on thinking on what she should do in that very last moment then she suddenly sang this song:
"Aha!, " said ME, "JESUS IS THE ANSWER". For all these while ME was looking for the solution and on that very day she got the answer. She started to pray and gave all her worries to God.

Me did not feel tense anymore and she was more motivated to fight with AE. It's a tough fight but she didn't want to give up because she believes that when she's walking with God there's nothing that she should afraid of.
Although sometimes she became like this

but in the end.....

ME is now looking forward for this..wink wink

THE VICTORY FOR ME....not yet la ME dun perasan ah paper CALL lum ambik gik
ME felt shy-shy cat ..hehe

****you guys must be wondering what AE is, am i right??? actually AE stands for Academic Exercise/ Thesis
so moral of the story is ________________ (fill in the blank)