Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm 23 years old

28th July 2009 marked 23 years I've been living in this world. 23 years mean I've experienced so many things in my life like sitting for national examinations, being scolded by mum and dad, having a fight with my siblings, stepping my feet for the first time at UiTM, treasuring wonderful friendship and so many other things (It would take me a year to list down everything so I just mentioned a few). I felt grateful for the blessings that God has given me throughout these years and I know He never leave in happy time and also in bad times. I know his blessings towards His people will never stop.

After the clock struck 12 a.m., I received so many birthday wishes through SMS , facebook and friendster from my family and friends..sorry I couldn't reply your messages instantly because I was tired by the trip to Genting. Thanks guys for these wishes, I really appreciate them.

These are some of the SMSes that I received:
Mimi: Happy birthday!
Dora: Happy birthday ivy..God bless u..
Maggie: Happy birthday to you. GOD BLESS U
Iry: Hepi bday sister..wish u all da best in life
Roland: Always welcome a new day with a "smile" on your lips, "love" in your heart & "good thoughts" in your mind & u'll have a wonderful day ahead! Happy Birthday :)
Pammy: Happy birthday to you dear friend. May all the love, joy, happiness be yours forever!
Alvin: hepi bday ivy
David: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to ivy..happy birthday to you..hehe..happy birthday sizta!
Tatum: Ada org bday..Hepi bday
My bro Koboy: Merry Christmas (??????)
Mark: On ur b'day i wish u much pleasure n joy i hope all ur wishes come true..i'm wishing u another year of laughter, joy n fun, luv n happiness..hepi bday ivy!

I also received many birthday wishes through facebook..xie xie nimen...Dora, Syaza, Sharbby, Ean Hitz, Hani, Eloise, Lala, Mami, Ismi, Fel, Nadia, Makdi, Wel, Pam, Raihan, Saha, Majoree, Awai, Ija, Iry, Abot, Xanyee, Sis Ritha, Yaya, Aliah, Mas, Shai, Navetha, Divyangga, Yaya cuz, Uda, Baizurawani, Xueli, Fazu and Faidz.

Later that evening I celebrated my birthday with my was a simple BBQ birthday party but it was meaningful to me. To Pam, Cleo, Roland, Ob, Roy, Abigail and Dennis.. you guys rock!!! Sis Deborah thanks for the fried rice, Maggie for the burger and Roy for the ice-cream that Pam and I were craving for that night..hehe

Some of the pictures taken during my birthday party

The happy me.

Pam, Abigail, Ob and I even slept in the tent that night but it lasted only for a few hours because the rain fell.

Grace wanted to join us and she went home crying, begging to her mum and dad so she can stay.

At Thai Asam Fish with my housemates..the next day
Thanks for the gift and dinner my housemates.

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