Tuesday, September 15, 2009

~The Chronicles of My Handphone Network~

These are my current handphones

but when I first started using handphone
this was given to me

the ever famous handphone during that time because you can compose your own ringtone :)

Hey...wait!! I'm not going to talk about handphones but the networks that I have used and I'm currently using. ^-^

This is my chronicles of network...

First, I used this network for this was the best network in Ranau during that time...no other network can beat Celcom during that time

Then, I was influenced by the massive advertisements done by Hotlink a.k.a Maxis
and I think I'm not alone for many of friends have used this network as well
another fact is that the ex chenta used Hotlink so I have to use this network too :p

Seriously the ads had made a great impact to teenagers during that time because most of my friends started to switch network

After a couple of years, I've decided to switch to DiGi for there is no chenta anymore T_T
It actually symbolizes the act of moving on with a new chapter of my life ^-^

and now I'm proud to say that I'm the loyal user of this yellow genie since 2005
DiGi gives lots of bonuses to me..thank you DiGi
btw, I like your genie ads

and also this U.O.X by Celcom

with this my credit is valid till 28th July 2012
I even enjoy super duper cheap SMS and calls

This made me think how much $ $ $ that I have wasted on buying reload cards since the first day I got my phone....

What about you?
Have you ever calculated on the amount of $$$ that you have invested only for top-up?
As long as we have handphones nothing will stop us from buying top-up

nanti chenta marah pula kan if tidak kena call (this line is for Cleo and Pam..huhu)


Andi said...

Haaaaaa Wah ada Ex-Chenta .. huhu. Guna Maxis?

For me, I'm "Powered by DiGi" since day 1. Let me see.. Since 1998!

I believe in Brand Loyalty. :P

IvY said...

huhu chenta dolu2 cip
wah hebats la ko cip since 1998...patut ada loyalty award given to u

Miss Ruepit said...

adeh2.... hehhe.. steady la ko V.:) Pindik kata, Celcom is the best! Chenta guna network lain, ttp dgn Celcom juak bah.;p

btw, cantek hp ko yg ke-3. hehehhee

IvY said...

as a loyal DiGi user, celcom comes 2nd..hehe

tula hp sy yg ke-3 tu ntah d mna sdh

Andi said...

chenta dolu dolu.